冷星魂 發表於 8-9-2008 00:11:51

Hong Kong new Education System

Now,in high school is like 3year junior high and 2 year senior, after that is HKCEE, then Form 6 and 7, A-Level Exam
next is go straight to University

But the new system is like 3year junior and 3year senior then go straight to University.

In fact, I m studying oversea ,so I am not affected at all. Anyways, do u guys love the new eduaction system?

Let's discuss together then...[][][]

wilson1993912 發表於 8-9-2008 20:35:37

I'm in the old one so I don't care about this.

solo:) 發表於 8-9-2008 22:06:28

I am the last student who need to attend the HKCEE.

I think the new system is more stressful,because they just need to

attend the HKALE,especially someone who never take effort to study,that's why i say it is more stressful.

-終場ソ使者- 發表於 9-9-2008 18:58:59

We are the first students in this new edu. system,
I think I dislike this.
As HKDSE is the only opening examination of new edu. system.
We are no opportunity to participate in other exam.
Since it is the important exam of ours,it have more pressure- -

踢死兔:] 發表於 9-9-2008 20:55:09

I think this new syetem is not good enough.
I think students who passed CE and AL is more mature.
As one of the last CE student, I will try my best to achieve high result even though my Eng still very sucks.=3=''

冷星魂 發表於 10-9-2008 10:01:04

this system with pros and cons
Pro: no HKCEE

Con:It is hard to determine the talent of the students just base on their school result.

i thought AL still exists but CE is gone(may be i am wrong)

[H]apple` 發表於 7-10-2008 18:51:15

HKEAA always change its education system
SHE will ruin the students' prospect

smilingjess 發表於 12-10-2008 20:41:20

I don't think the new system is better than the old one.
Having one exam is too risky

幸運_kyo 發表於 12-10-2008 22:53:03

it is very unfair..

AaRo 發表於 13-10-2008 09:15:48

I think it cannot help us......
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